nyctohylophobic bat
a bat that’s afraid of the dark.
Basically Complicated
Oxymorons are basically complicated.
Clever Blonde
If you have ever heard a blonde joke or talked to a typical bottle blonde, you can understand this completely. If you …
transfer station
trans means across, implying movement and station relates to stationary, or not moving.
Domestic foreigner
Native Americans were considered domestic foreigners in the 1790s
The term “Progressive” is the only one-word oxymoron I know of – it encompasses the incredibly destructive force that liberal tactics and …
early lately
I’ve been getting up earlier lately.
Weight Loss
Weight (heavy) Loss (lighter)
permanent press
permanent press as in you shouldn’t need to iron it…
Humane Meat
It was always just a marketing scam, nothing more. For in-depth info and documentation, please read:
hand blown
Hands don’t blow
Spontaneous Plan
Found this on a social network site
Insanely sane.
insanely- an insensible amount. sane (sanity)- mentally sound. Insanely sane- Being extremely sane, or mentally sound/stable.
blood pudding
Doesn’t seem possible, but my grandmother loved the stuff
Italian politics
Needs an explanation???
immediate future
immediate = instantaneous , present, now future = time to come
Take your time and hurry up.
Conversely: Hurry up and take your time.
racist joke
How can racist and joke fit together?
musical chairs
Chairs aren’t musical
Demi Moore
An Actress with an Oxymoron name. Demi = little or small : Moore is More!
Evolving Contentment
Oxymoron or Nah?
dark refers to night.Day refers to brightness
Graceful Klutz
If something is graceful then it is elegant or charming and smooth, whereas as a klutz slips and falls down a lot.
barefoot running shoes
If you are wearing shoes, you are not barefoot
medical marijuana
Maybe, maybe not